Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Thought... And Checking In

I really would like to come back to Blogger. I know, I said that last year. In fact, well over a year ago. I don't want that to be an empty promise like it was then. 

There's a lot going on in the world. In fact, there's a lot going on in the U.S. alone. I think that maybe, I'd like to talk about these things. And I might even talk about a lot of things that aren't really thought of. Not by the average person, anyway. I think that if I do come back, I will be kind of politically incorrect in many ways. But I think that's alright. Political correctness is usually just a cover for not being able to say what needs to be said. If that's the case, maybe we should all learn to be a little politically incorrect...

Anyway, back onto my original subject. I would definitely like to come back to this blog. I never put a whole lot up here, though what I did put up, was somewhat successful. I think this would be more worthwhile if and when my YouTube channel takes off. Problem is, I'll be starting college, and will have a bunch of other things on my plate. So if I can find the time to make more videos and make posts here occasionally, I would be more than satisfied. 

As I mentioned before... On top of posting my normally devout pro-Second Amendment content, I'd like to talk about philosophy. Questioning things as they are. But I think as gun owners, especially those of us living in "hostile" environments, this is not really something new for us. So maybe, this new style will lead to success. Either way, if you come across this post and are interested in all things firearm-related, I would urge you to check out my channel, as shown in the tab at the top of the page. Actually, I suppose I'll link it here. 

I do have a lot planned. I just hope I find the time to make more videos! My goal right now, is at least a few videos a month! Hopefully everything works out! Thanks for your time, and your interest!