Here are a few good reasons why you should buy a rifle or handgun.
Politicians will tell you that they are dangerous... that they will harm
your children and that they are just not a good idea. Look at the
facts. Guns aren't dangerous, the people who misuse them certainly are.
If you hide a gun, your child (if you have one) will definitely find it
and if they have no knowledge of it, they will misuse it. You must teach
your loved ones to shoot and be proficient with a weapon. If you don't feel comfortable with that, at least show them what to do if they find a gun (even your gun). Instruct them to set it down gently and get them familiar with the main parts. This will ensure that they don't blow a hole in the wall, or worse... Themself or another person. You can refer
to NutnFancy's "Children of the Gun" series on Youtube. It is a good series and is a good guide to integrating a gun or other weapon
into your home like anything else. Guns don't have to be a taboo, but
for people who don't know what they really are, it seems to be just that. Finally, here are the the sixteen reasons you should buy a gun.
1. Recreation/fun! - On a less serious note, why not? To tell you the truth, I go to the range a couple times a month as a stress reliever. It's a very soothing experience for me. It's also a way to socialize a little bit. Ask about people's guns, ask if you could try it out, as well as let them try yours out if they are interested. If you just wanna shoot cheap, why not bring a .22? I think everyone should have a .22 and at least another gun anyway :)
2. Home
defense - The most basic reason. Buying a gun for home
defense however, is a good idea. People will say "oh, why do you really
need a gun for home defense?" Well, the reason is that when some wannabe
thief tries to rob your home while in possession of a deadly
weapon, guess who's prepared? Do you think the police can save you? If a person is breaking into into your home, they will probably run when they see you, however some will stick around if they've got the "heat" to protect themselves. So, this armed criminal breaks into your house. You hear them. You pick up the phone, call the police. Draw me a sketch of how the police will get to your home before this criminal finds you in your house. They wont, plain and simple. Your life is in danger and this is
self defense. Remember, if you want a handgun you will need a pistol
permit in some states.
3. Carry - A concealed carry permit is one
of the best things you can have. If you have no felonies and have lead a
completely clean life, a concealed carry permit could be you best
friend. You can also carry other weapons, but check your laws. Here is a
scenario, your in a McDonald's and some nut job walks in and pulls out a
gun. He opens fire and shoots someone. What can you do to stop him? You wan't to help others when you don't even have a weapon to help yourself. A concealed carry permit can not only save your life, but the
lives of others as well, and statistically, they do.
4. Some sort of collapse (S.H.T.F.) - I'm no crackpot, but the world is troubled right
now. What if some sort of attack were to befall the United states? There
are statistics that show that around 2013, there could be solar flares.
People may not necessarily DIE, but the EMP (electromagnetic pulse)
given off by the sun could shut down the power grid. (this is what is
given off by an atomic bomb). Power could be down for months or even a
year. There could be chaos if it isn't handled properly. Why take a
chance and not be armed? Buy at least a .22lr rifle for survival. Guns
like the Henry AR-7 are optimal but a gun like the Marlin 795 or Ruger 10/22
will do and none of these are expensive. It is always good to prepare
for the worst even if nothing bad is coming. Buy some bulk packs of ammo
and store then away if there is ever an emergency.
14 MORE, submitted by Anonymous.
5. Because You Own a Fire Extinguisher. Bad things happen. You can still call 911, but when seconds count, you need to act quickly to save your life and the life of those you love.
6. Because Shooting Is An Olympic Sport. Shooting is an Olympic sport and the United States holds more gold medals than any other nation.
7. Because Most Americans Own Guns. You’ll be in good company as a gun owner; nearly fifty percent of households in the U.S. own a firearm.
8. Because You Respect The U.S. Constitution. Sometimes you won’t like it when people exercise fundamental freedoms protected by the Constitution, such as freedom of speech. But that simply doesn’t matter: The Supreme Court ruled that every person has a constitutional right to own guns. So respecting the Constitution means respecting the right of others to exercise those constitutional rights.
9. Because You Are More Likely to Die By Falling. There were 613 fatal firearms accidents in 2007, one-half of one percent of all fatal accidents. You’re more likely to die by driving, poisoning, drowning or falling than by a gun accident.
10. Because Guns Stop Burglars. Last year, the CDC estimated that Americans used guns about 498,000 times to frighten away intruders attempting to break into homes.
11. Because Gun Bans Increase Murder Rates. After D.C. banned handguns in 1984, the average murder rate jumped 73 percent while the U.S. murder rate fell 11 percent.
12. Because Guns Don’t Cause Murder. A New York Times study of 1,662 murders in the city found that 90 percent of the killers had criminal records. Murderers are not ordinary, law abiding adults. Instead, virtually all murderers are extremely aberrant individuals with life histories of violence, psychopatholoy, and substance abuse.
13. Because Gun Owners Win Political Battles. Gun rights groups have donated $22 million in political campaigns over the last decade, while gun control groups gave $1.8 million.
14. Because Ignorance is Dangerous. At current homicide rates, 1 in 240 Americans will be murdered this year. You need to know how to operate a tool that will immediately stop a threat and save your life and the life of those in your household.
15. Because Guns Don’t Make Countries More Dangerous. Switzerland has one of the world’s highest gun ownership rates and also one of the lowest homicide rates. In contrast, the countries with the world’s worst homicide rates—South Africa, Columbia, Brazil, Mexico, Filipines, Taiwain—also prohibit law-abiding citizens from owning guns. Compare the 20 per 100,000 homicide rate in Russia, which bans guns, with the 2 per 100,000 rate in neighboring Poland. Compare gun-free Luxembourg’s 9 per 100,000 murder rate with Germany and France with rates of 0.93 and 1.65.
16. Because Gun Control Laws Don’t Increase Safety. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences failed to identify even one gun control measure that had a statistically significant reduction in violent crime, suicide, or gun accidents. The Center for Disease Control reached the same conclusion in 2003
I know I may
sound a bit TOO open-minded but trust, I've done my research. These
are a few solid, basic reasons you should buy a gun and at least a
.22lr rifle at that. Thanks for reading my crazy article and I hope you
have a nice day. If you do want to buy a gun, make sure you find one you
will like. Go to the shop, try it "on". And most of all, have fun and be safe. Good luck.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Is a .22 rifle good enough for SHTF?
It's a common question that I see pretty often. Is a .22 enough for an SHTF scenario? Well, I cant give a 100% confident yes, because of certain situations you could find yourself in.
For hunting, the .22lr is extremely versatile. It will take anything from squirrel to deer. This is why a .22 rifle would be invaluable in an urban, suburban and rural environment. You can even try rounds that fire off only the primer for silent kills (Aguila Super Colibris are the best). Rural falls into the realm of "maybe" because there are larger animals around and I wouldn't want a .22 to fend off a bear. I'm sure that you can probably kill a black bear with a .22 rifle, but you would be in a predicament if it were a brown bear. I'd suggest perhaps a .308, .30-30, .30-06 or at the very least, a .357 or .44 magnum carbine that is light. This will ensure you can carry multiple weapons and supplies. A nice rifle in the calibers mentioned above is the Ruger model 77/357 and the model 77/44. They're not exactly carbines, being bolt-action and having a little weight to them, but if I were going to use it for the purposes listed above, I'd probably want the 77/44 as shown in the picture below. Of course ammo prices need to be considered, but buying a bunch of ammo and saving it will have good value anyway.
As for self defense, if you are a good marksman, you will be able to fight off any human target so long as they are not wearing armor. Even still, you can cripple them pretty easily. I guess something along the lines of an SKS or Mosin Nagant would be a good defense rifle, but if you are truly on a budget when buying all that expensive ammo, no one ever said CCI Stingers tickled. I would buy surplus. It's proven to stop a person one way or another. That's the problem with an SKS or a Mosin Nagant. There wont be an abundant supply of ammo besides what you've bought. Even still, if you stockpile a couple of crates, it could last you years. This however, is where rifles like the Ruger 10/22 come in. I'm not advertising for Ruger, as I don't even own one, but there aren't many bad things to say about a Ruger, except maybe that they aren't the most accurate .22 out of the box. That would be the reason why I prefer my Marlin model 795. It's one of the most accurate .22 rifles on the market along with being one of the cheapest. You may even pick one up for yourself! The accuracy isn't significantly less in the Ruger, so if you want a rifle that you could truly make yours, I'd say go with Ruger! There are many aftermarket products available for the 10/22 line. These products include 20, 30, and even 50 round magazines. Bulky, but hey, they do their job. Who do you know that would volunteer to be shot by a .22lr rifle? I think that it's safe to assume that you don't know anyone that crazy! Just make sure you know how to use your gun and you're pretty much set.
Are there any other convincing reasons regarding why a .22 is enough? Yes! .22's are light, easy to keep on target, as well as having light ammunition. You could easily carry 550 rounds of .22lr ammunition and only be weighed down a couple of pounds. This is important if you want to carry a utilty knife, machete, first aid kid, and anything else you'd want when going out for food. It's a long list. Keep it light!
I honestly can say that I've ever seen a round as versatile as the .22 with so many loads available such as primer fired, subsonic, supersonic, hypersonic, etc. The .22 family truly will be the ultimate survival tool in your arsenal and that is why everyone should own at least a .22 rifle.

As for self defense, if you are a good marksman, you will be able to fight off any human target so long as they are not wearing armor. Even still, you can cripple them pretty easily. I guess something along the lines of an SKS or Mosin Nagant would be a good defense rifle, but if you are truly on a budget when buying all that expensive ammo, no one ever said CCI Stingers tickled. I would buy surplus. It's proven to stop a person one way or another. That's the problem with an SKS or a Mosin Nagant. There wont be an abundant supply of ammo besides what you've bought. Even still, if you stockpile a couple of crates, it could last you years. This however, is where rifles like the Ruger 10/22 come in. I'm not advertising for Ruger, as I don't even own one, but there aren't many bad things to say about a Ruger, except maybe that they aren't the most accurate .22 out of the box. That would be the reason why I prefer my Marlin model 795. It's one of the most accurate .22 rifles on the market along with being one of the cheapest. You may even pick one up for yourself! The accuracy isn't significantly less in the Ruger, so if you want a rifle that you could truly make yours, I'd say go with Ruger! There are many aftermarket products available for the 10/22 line. These products include 20, 30, and even 50 round magazines. Bulky, but hey, they do their job. Who do you know that would volunteer to be shot by a .22lr rifle? I think that it's safe to assume that you don't know anyone that crazy! Just make sure you know how to use your gun and you're pretty much set.
Are there any other convincing reasons regarding why a .22 is enough? Yes! .22's are light, easy to keep on target, as well as having light ammunition. You could easily carry 550 rounds of .22lr ammunition and only be weighed down a couple of pounds. This is important if you want to carry a utilty knife, machete, first aid kid, and anything else you'd want when going out for food. It's a long list. Keep it light!
I honestly can say that I've ever seen a round as versatile as the .22 with so many loads available such as primer fired, subsonic, supersonic, hypersonic, etc. The .22 family truly will be the ultimate survival tool in your arsenal and that is why everyone should own at least a .22 rifle.
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